Kurskod | S3670013 |
Studiepoäng | 1 |
Närvaro | Mandatory |
Vitsordsskala | Tvågradig skala (Godkänd/Underkänd) |
Ämnesområde | Sjöfart |
Utbildningsprogram | Utbildningsprogrammet för maskinteknik |
Examination | Written exam and quiz in Google Forms for pre-studies |
Kurslitteratur och studiematerial | International Maritime Organization (2016). IGF code : International Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low Flashpoint Fuel. |
Dokumentering | Passed course will be noted in students records. Passed course entitles a course certificate. |
Arbetsformer | Lecturers, written material and recorded lecture for pre-studies |
Övrigt | The course take into account: |
Utskriven 01 april 2025 kl 02:23