Kurskod | S3339022 |
Studiepoäng | 3 |
Lärandemål | • Ability to make sense of written and spoken texts in foreign languages. |
Innehåll | Tasks and activities in various European Languages divided in three family groups: Germanic, Slav/Baltic, and Romance. Report writing. Intercultural Awareness. Marine Engineering. Interproduction, i.e. speaking and writing one’s own language so as to facilitate understanding. |
Närvaro | Mandatory presence (no less than 75%) |
Vitsordsskala | VG, G (för betygssättning) |
Ämnesområde | Sjöfart |
Utbildningsprogram | Utbildningsprogrammet för sjöfart |
Examination | Active participation, accounting for work done. Quizzes. Assessment of CEFR levels. |
Kurslitteratur och studiematerial | Web collaboration platform with collections of materials (supplied by the University) |
Förkunskaper | None |
Arbetsformer | Individual and small group work, listening, using extra-linguistic cues such as pictures and body language. |
Utskriven 01 april 2025 kl 02:27