Informationsteknik – Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences

Kurskod B365401
Studiepoäng 5

– Explain and understand the meaning of future megatrends
– Understand the historical trends which has shaped labour market of today (transition from industrial to post-industrial age)
– Understand and discuss about the future work competences, organizations and systems
– Explain and reason the importance of self-development to be elastic and able to follow new trends and changes
– Explain, reason and apply the 21st century skills: collaboration, communication, creativity, complex problem-solving and critical thinking.


What will the 2020s look like? What trends will have the biggest impact on our future? A megatrend is a general direction of development consisting of various phenomena and entailing widespread change. It will shape the future vocational competences needed in work life. Therefore 21st century skills are essential for the future of work.


VG, G (för betygssättning)




Utbildningsprogrammet för företagsekonomi


Approved assignments

Kurslitteratur och studiematerial

Course material will be available in Moodle.


Starting level: none.
Linkage with other courses:
B365201 Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 5 ECTS and
B365301 Sustainable Finance, 5 ECTS


Introduced in the student card


Lectures, assignments, group work.


All course material will be in English. Contact teaching will be held in English. Contact teaching will be organized as a hybrid, including both classroom teaching and online teaching, still taking account current instructions of Covid-19.
This course will be piloted as a part of SuFi-project with international cooperation together with partners from Åland, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania, The project is funded by EU Interreg Central Baltic funds.

Utskriven 05 maj 2024 kl 02:45