Informationsteknik – Sustainable Finance

Kurskod B365301
Studiepoäng 5

– Describe and interpret current trends in the area of sustainable finance
– Identify different sustainable asset classes and instruments
– Compare different types of sustainable finance products
– Critically evaluate sustainability risks and opportunities
– Demonstrate critical thinking in the field of sustainable investments practices
– Identify and discuss conditions for countries to benefit from growing sustainable investment opportunities
– Explain the process of creating functional sustainable asset allocation
– Apply sustainable finance models and strategies to a real-life case study


In this module the student will learn the basics of Sustainable Investments. Course covers main topics of ESG criteria (Environmental, Social and Governance).
As an introduction of the course the main investment principles are covered. Risk and return aspects will be interpreted and sustainable investments aspects will be covered in order to improve fund or portfolio investment returns and risk profiles. Different approaches to sustainable investments are also presented by external specialists like fund managers and practitioners.
After the course student is able to identify and reflect elements of ESG in different asset classes and compare different tools and strategies in supporting Sustainable Investments.

1. Introduction to Investments
2. Introduction to Sustainable Investments, ESG
3. Introduction to Case Assignment
4. Sustainable Investment Strategies
4. Examples of Green Investments in Practice
5. Workshop of Project assignments
6. Presenting assignments, conclusions, assessment and feedback of the course


VG, G (för betygssättning)




Utbildningsprogrammet för företagsekonomi


Approved assignments

Kurslitteratur och studiematerial

Course material will be available in Moodle including relevant litterature.
Handouts delivered by teachers.
Material provided by external lecturers.


Starting level: none.
Linkage with other courses:
B365201 Sustainable Development and Climate Change, 5 ECTS and
B365401 Future Megatrends and Vocational Competences ECTS


Introduced in the student card.


Lectures, assignments


All course material will be in English. Contact teaching will be held in English. Contact teaching will be organized as a hybrid, including both classroom teaching and online teaching, still taking account current instructions of Covid-19.
This course will be piloted as a part of SuFi-project with international cooperation together with partners from Åland, Finland, Estonia and Lithuania, The project is funded by EU Interreg Central Baltic funds.

Utskriven 04 maj 2024 kl 23:31